Wersja 1.18: Zestaw stylizacyjny “Warrior of the South”
Garść zdjęć zestawu stylizacyjnego “Warrior of the South”, dodanego w aktualizacji 1.18. Styl traktowany jako niehistoryczny element wyglądu zewnętrznego, wyceniony na 750 szt. złota.
Można go zastosować na pojazdach dowolnej narodowości i pojazdach poziomów VIII-X.
— The sands have no home. They go where the wind takes them. The wind has no home. It is nowhere and everywhere. It carries the sands and follows them. It raises millennia-old rocks from the ground and buries millennia-old cities under thick sand. It is powerful and almighty, and there is nobody in this world who can tame it. Those who come to our land will see that we are the wind. The wind is us. And they will share the fate of these millennia-old cities. The ones who come will be cloaked by the sands of oblivion that we inflict upon them. The sand will wash away the memory of the ones who come seeking violence. We are the wind. But we have a home. Here, where we don’t welcome outsiders bearing swords. Although we didn’t invite them, let it be known that, under the endless sand dunes, there is room for them all…
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