Szeroko zakrojone równoważenie pojazdów w aktualizacji 1.26
przez Redi · Opublikowane
Nadal systematycznie poprawiamy wrażenia z rozgrywki, aktualizując pojazdy różnych poziomów i typów. W aktualizacji 1.26 przeprowadzimy kompleksowe równoważenie 18 pojazdów z trzech gałęzi, upewniając się, że pozostaną konkurencyjne i nadal będą sprawiać Wam przyjemność.
Ponadto zmieniamy logikę badania różnych modułów pojazdów w tych gałęziach, poprawiając podstawowe konfiguracje pojazdów i zwiększając efektywność pięciu pojazdów premium, aby były bardziej konkurencyjne.
Pełna lista zmian równoważących znajduje się w liście zmian w aktualizacji 1.26 na końcu tego artykułu.
Ulepszenia pojazdów X poziomu i ich gałęzi
Zajęliśmy się trzema konkretnymi gałęziami, aktualizując przestarzałe i mniej popularne pojazdy, począwszy od V poziomu. Te zmiany poprawiają efektywność na ich poziomie i dla ich roli w rozgrywce. Chociaż skupiliśmy się głównie na pojazdach X poziomu, odświeżyliśmy też wszystkie czołgi z ich gałęzi. Oto aktualizacje dla czołgów najwyższego poziomu.
- Bat.-Châtillon 25 t
Ulepszone prowadzenie działa, skrócony czas celowania i zwiększona pojemność amunicji sprawiają, że Bat.-Châtillon 25 t jest jeszcze bardziej precyzyjny i niebezpieczny w bitwie.
- M48A5 Patton
M48A5 Patton ma teraz poprawiony rozrzut działa, szybsze celowanie i mocniejszy silnik, co zapewnia mu lepszą mobilność i siłę ognia.
- K-91
Krótszy czas przeładowania i pełny, 360-stopniowy obrót wieży znacznie zwiększają wszechstronność i skuteczność bojową K-91.
Zmiany modułów
Począwszy od V poziomu (i VI poziomu dla gałęzi radzieckiej), ścieżki badania modułów poprawiono w celu zapewnienia jasności i efektywności we wszystkich trzech powyższych gałęziach. Mniej przydatne moduły usunięto lub zastąpiono i wprowadzono trochę nowych modułów w celu zwiększenia komfortu rozgrywki.
- Usunięte moduły: moduły historyczne niekompatybilne z rozgrywką.
- Nowe moduły: dodane z lepszymi charakterystykami.
Koszt pozostałych modułów wyrażony w PD nie zmieni się, a koszt usuniętych modułów nie zostanie rozdzielony na pozostałe.
Uwaga: jeden konkretny moduł, działo 75 mm SA32L dla AMX ELC bis, zostanie całkowicie usunięty z gry.
Jeśli to działo było zamontowane na czołgu, zostanie zamienione na nowy, podstawowy moduł. Jeśli to działo było w magazynie, zostanie sprzedane za swoją cenę w kredytach.
Zmiany w modułach radiowych
Wprowadziliśmy szczególnie istotne zmiany w modułach radiowych w trzech równoważonych gałęziach. Wcześniej pojazdy miały dwa lub trzy moduły radiowe do zbadania i zainstalowania, co często nie zapewniało zauważalnej poprawy efektywności pojazdu.
- Ograniczenie do jednego radia: Od VI poziomu wzwyż wszystkie pojazdy w równoważonych gałęziach będą miały tylko jeden moduł radiowy – najlepszy. Podjęliśmy decyzję, aby uprościć ścieżkę ulepszeń i zmniejszyć czas potrzebny na badanie modułów, które nie mają znaczącego wpływu na skuteczność.
- Natychmiastowe maksymalne parametry: Nowy moduł radiowy zapewni maksymalny zasięg komunikacji od samego początku.
- Wpływ na rozgrywkę: Zmniejszając liczbę modułów radiowych, zapewniamy prostsze i efektywniejsze postępy w ulepszaniu pojazdów.
Rozszerzone konfiguracje podstawowe
Gra z podstawowymi modułami zawsze była jednym z trudniejszych aspektów opanowywania pojazdu w porównaniu z czołgami w pełni ulepszonymi. Naszym celem jest uproszczenie i poprawienie wrażeń z początkowej rozgrywki, dzięki czemu będzie ona bardziej wciągająca od samego początku.
Wprowadziliśmy następujące ulepszenia w konfiguracjach podstawowych we wszystkich równoważonych gałęziach:
- Przestarzałe moduły: Przestarzałe moduły zostaną w większości usunięte lub zastąpione istniejącymi modułami wyższego poziomu, chociaż zostaną też wprowadzone nowe moduły.
- Komfort rozgrywki: Poprawiony, aby wejście w nowe pojazdy było łatwiejsze i przyjemniejsze.
AMX 13 75
M4A1 Sherman
Object 416
Ulepszając podstawowe konfiguracje, mamy na celu ułatwienie opanowania nowych pojazdów poprzez zmniejszenie różnicy między konfiguracją podstawową i najlepszą. Możecie teraz osiągnąć lepsze wyniki bez frustracji związanej z rozpoczynaniem od mniej skutecznych ustawień podstawowych.
Ulepszenia pojazdów premium VIII poziomu
Ulepszyliśmy też pięć pojazdów premium, aby zwiększyć ich skuteczność bojową i ogólny komfort rozgrywki.
WZ-111 model 6 : Poprawiona prędkość obrotu pojazdu i obrotu wieży, lepszy czas celowania i zwiększona penetracja sprawiają, że czołg jest zwinniejszy i skuteczniejszy w boju.
AltProto AMX 30 : Poprawiona prędkość obrotu pojazdu i obrotu wieży, a także krótszy czas przeładowania to zwiększone uszkodzenia i lepsza manewrowość.
59-Patton : Skrócony czas celowania, wyższe wartości uszkodzeń i pancerza, a także poprawiona prędkość obrotu wieży sprawiają, że pojazd jest bardziej odporny i jeszcze groźniejszy w bitwie.
AMX Canon d’assaut 105 : Szybsze poruszanie się i obracanie, skrócone czasy celowania i przeładowania, a także zwiększone PW skutkują lepszą żywotnością i siłą ognia.
IS-5 (Object 730) : Poprawione poruszanie się i prędkość obrotu, szybszy obrót wieży, skrócony czas celowania i mniejszy promień rozrzutu dają lepszą celność i mobilność.
Będziemy uważnie monitorować te zmiany i analizować Wasze opinie na temat wszystkich zrównoważonych pojazdów. Przygotujcie się na poprawioną rozgrywkę i bądźcie na bieżąco z przyszłymi aktualizacjami równoważącymi!
Along with the rebalancing of high-tier vehicles, the quantity and assortment of vehicle modules and upgrade paths in these three branches will be revised starting from Tier V (Tier VI for the K-91 branch). Less useful modules have been removed or replaced, and some new modules have been introduced to enhance gameplay comfort. Some improvements to the stock configurations across the rebalanced branches have also been made.
The qualifications of certain crew members in the following vehicle have been changed:
- M5A1 Stuart
Changes to the technical characteristics of the following vehicles have been made:
- Dispersion on gun traverse for the 90 mm Gun M41 in the 59-Patton turret has been decreased by 40%
- Aiming time of the 90 mm Gun M41 in the 59-Patton turret has been changed from 1.9 to 1.7 s
- AP M318 shell for the 90 mm Gun M41 has been changed from 240 to 280 HP
- Damage of the HEAT-T M348 shell for the 90 mm Gun M41 has been changed from 240 to 280 HP
- Damage of the HE T91E3 shell for the 90 mm Gun M41 has been changed from 320 to 370 HP
WZ-111 model 6
- Dispersion during movement of the WZ-111 model 6 suspension has been decreased by 13%
- Dispersion on hull traverse with the WZ-111 model 6 suspension has been decreased by 13%
- Traverse speed of the WZ-111 model 6 suspension has been changed from 26 to 30 deg/s
- Aiming time of the 105 mm Type 81-I gun in the WZ-111 model 6 turret has been changed from 2.8 to 2.6 s
- Traverse speed of the WZ-111 model 6 turret has been changed from 24 to 28 deg/s
- Penetration of the Chuan bei-81-I shell for the 105 mm Type 81-I gun has been changed from 218–198 to 227–204 mm
The following vehicles have been added: Škoda T 17, Vz. 64 Blesk, LPT-67 Šelma, Vz. 71 Tesák, Vz. 68 Squall
The qualifications of certain crew members in the following vehicles have been changed:
- AMX 50 100
- AMX 50 120
- AMX 50 B
- Char Futur 4
- Bat.-Châtillon Bourrasque
- Char Mle. 75
- AMX 13 (FL 11)
- AMX 12 t
- AMX 13 75
- AMX 13 90
- Bat.-Châtillon 25 t
- Lorraine 40 t
- Somua S35
- AMX 13 57
- AMX 13 57 GF
- Bat.-Châtillon 25 t AP
- Somua SM
- M4A1 FL 10
- Bat.-Châtillon 12 t
- AMX 13 105
Changes to the technical characteristics of the following vehicles have been made:
AltProto AMX 30
- Traverse speed of the AltProto-AMX-30 suspension has been changed from 34 to 40 deg/s
- Dispersion on gun traverse for the 100 mm SA47-58 gun in the AltProto-AMX-30 turret has been decreased by 40%
- Reloading time of the 100 mm SA47-58 gun in the AltProto-AMX-30 turret has been changed from 10 to 9 s
- Traverse speed of the AltProto-AMX-30 turret has been changed from 38 to 42 deg/s
AMX 12 t
- Dispersion of the 75 mm SA49 gun in the AMX 12 t turret has been changed from 0.42 to 0.4 m
- Aiming time of the 75 mm SA49 gun in the AMX 12 t turret has been changed from 2.5 to 2.3 s
- Penetration of the Frt.Prf. mle. 1940 shell for the 75 mm SA49 gun has been changed from 148–122 to 174–147 mm
- Penetration of the Frt.Prf. mle. 1926 shell for the 75 mm SA49 gun has been changed from 108–98 to 133–115 mm
- Shell capacity of the 75 mm SA49 gun in the AMX 12 t turret has been changed from 36 to 44
- Shell capacity of the 75 mm SA50 gun in the AMX 12 t turret has been changed from 36 to 44
- Power of the AMX B 271 engine has been changed from 250 to 290 h.p.
AMX 13 75
- Dispersion of the 75 mm SA49 gun in the FL 10 Type C turret has been changed from 0.42 to 0.38 m
- Aiming time of the75 mm SA49 gun in the FL 10 Type C turret has been changed from 2.3 to 2 s
- Penetration of the Frt.Prf. mle. 1940 shell for the 75 mm SA49 gun has been changed from 148–122 to 174–147 mm
- Penetration of the Frt.Prf. mle. 1926 shell for the 75 mm SA49 gun has been changed from 108–98 to 133–115 mm
- Shell capacity of the 75 mm SA50 gun in the FL 10 Type C turret has been changed from 36 to 48
- Power of the Baudouin 6F 11 SRY T engine has been changed from 300 to 350 h.p.
Bat.-Châtillon 25 t
- The 90 mm F3 gun for the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t turret has been removed
- The 100 mm SA47 gun with 42 shell capacity for the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t turret has been removed
- Dispersion during movement of the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t suspension has been decreased by 18%
- Dispersion on hull traverse with the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t suspension has been decreased by 18%
- Dispersion of the 105 mm mle. 57 (D. 1504) gun in the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t turret has been changed from 0.38 to 0.35 m
- Dispersion on gun traverse for the 105 mm mle. 57 (D. 1504) gun in the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t turret has been decreased by 38%
- Dispersion after firing of the 105 mm mle. 57 (D. 1504) gun in the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t turret has been decreased by 25%
- Aiming time of the 105 mm mle. 57 (D. 1504) gun in the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t turret has been changed from 2.7 to 2.4 s
- Shell capacity of the 105 mm mle. 57 (D. 1504) gun in the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t turret has been changed from 30 to 50
- The 75 mm SA32L gun for the AMX ELC bis turret has been removed
- Dispersion of the 75 mm SA44L gun in the AMX ELC bis turret has been changed from 0.4 to 0.38 m
- Aiming time of the 75 mm SA44L gun in the AMX ELC bis turret has been changed from 2.1 to 2 s
Bat.-Châtillon 25 t AP
- The 90 mm F3 gun for the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t AP turret has been removed
- Dispersion of the Canon de 90 mm Vo 930 m/s gun in the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t AP turret has been changed from 0.38 to 0.36 m
- Dispersion on gun traverse for the Canon de 90 mm Vo 930 m/s gun in the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t AP turret has been decreased by 29%
- Dispersion on gun traverse for the 100 mm SA47 gun in the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t AP turret has been decreased by 29%
- Dispersion after firing of the Canon de 90 mm Vo 930 m/s gun in the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t AP turret has been decreased by 14%
- Dispersion after firing of the 100 mm SA47 gun in the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t AP turret has been decreased by 14%
- Aiming time of the Canon de 90 mm Vo 930 m/s gun in the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t AP turret has been changed from 2.7 to 2.1 s
- Aiming time of the 100 mm SA47 gun in the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t AP turret has been changed from 2.5 to 2.1 s
- Shell capacity of the Canon de 90 mm Vo 930 m/s gun in the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t AP turret has been changed from 42 to 60
- Shell capacity of the 100 mm SA47 gun in the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t AP turret has been changed from 42 to 60
- Tier of the Maybach HL 230 F engine has been changed from VI to IX
- Tier of the Moteur moderne 3M.27.1.01 engine has been changed from VI to VIII
- Purchase cost of the Maybach HL 230 F engine has been changed from 26,800 to 75,000 credits
- Purchase cost of the Moteur moderne 3M.27.1.01 engine has been changed from 24,600 to 49,200 credits
Bat.-Châtillon 12 t
- Dispersion on gun traverse for the Canon de 75 mm Vo 920 m/s gun in the FL 10 Type C turret has been decreased by 17%
- Dispersion on gun traverse for the Canon de 75 mm Vo 1000 m/s gun in the FL 10 Type C turret has been decreased by 17%
- Reloading time of the Canon de 75 mm Vo 920 m/s gun in the FL 10 Type C turret has been changed from 24 to 21 s
- Reloading time of the Canon de 75 mm Vo 1000 m/s gun in the FL 10 Type C turret has been changed from 20 to 17 s
- Aiming time of the Canon de 75 mm Vo 920 m/s gun in the FL 10 Type C turret has been changed from 2.3 to 2 s
- Aiming time of the Canon de 75 mm Vo 1000 m/s gun in the FL 10 Type C turret has been changed from 2.3 to 2 s
- Penetration of the Frt.Prf. mle. 1944A shell for the Canon de 75 mm Vo 920 m/s gun has been changed from 182–159 to 198–167
- Penetration of the Prf. mle. 1930A shell for the Canon de 75 mm Vo 920 m/s gun has been changed from 144–128 to 159–137 mm
- ower of the Mathis 210 engine has been changed from 320 to 350 h.p.
AMX Canon d’assaut 105
- Dispersion during movement of the AMX Canon d’assaut de 105 suspension has been decreased by 23%
- Dispersion on hull traverse with the AMX Canon d’assaut de 105 suspension has been decreased by 23%
- Reloading time of the 105 mm CN 105 gun in the AMX Canon d’assaut de 105 turret has been changed from 11.5 to 10.6 s
- Aiming time of the 105 mm CN 105 gun in the AMX Canon d’assaut de 105 turret has been changed from 2 to 1.8 s
- Vehicle durability has been changed from 1,000 to 1,200 HP
The qualifications of certain crew members in the following vehicles have been changed:
- Spähpanzer SP I C
- Rheinmetall Panzerwagen
- HWK 12
- KPz 3 Projekt 07 HK
Changes to the technical characteristics of the following vehicles have been made:
M48A2 Räumpanzer
- Penetration of the AP M77 shell for the 9 cm Kanone M41 gun has been changed from 205–183 to 212–199 mm
- Damage of the AP M77 shell for the 9 cm Kanone M41 has been changed from 240 to 280 HP
- Damage of the HE M71 shell for the 9 cm Kanone M41 has been changed from 320 to 380 HP
- Damage of the HVAP M304 shell for the 9 cm Kanone M41 has been changed from 240 to 280 HP
- Power of the Continental AVI-1790-8 engine has been changed from 650 to 750 h.p.
The qualifications of certain crew members in the following vehicle have been changed:
- Rinoceronte
The following vehicles have been added: Toro, Felice
The qualifications of certain crew members in the following vehicles have been changed:
- Strv m/42-57 Alt A.2
- Strv 103-0
- Strv 103B
- Kranvagn
- Emil II
- Emil I
- UDES 03
- Strv S1
- EMIL 1951
- UDES 16
- UDES 15/16
- UDES 14 Alt 5
- UDES 03 Alt 3
- Bofors Tornvagn
The qualifications of certain crew members in the following vehicles have been changed:
- FV1066 Senlac
- GSR 3301 Setter
- GSOR 1008
- A25 Harry Hopkins I
- Concept No. 5
- GSOR 1010 FB
- Staghound Mk. III
- AEC Armoured Car
- FV601 Saladin
- FSV Scheme A
- Charioteer Nomad
- Charioteer
The qualifications of certain crew members in the following vehicles have been changed:
- T71 DA
- T1 HMC
- T56 GMC
- ASTRON Rex 105 mm
- T82 HMC
Changes to the technical characteristics of the following vehicles have been made:
M4A1 Sherman
- The 75 mm Gun M3A1 has been added for the D51066 turret
- The 75 mm Gun M3A1 has been added for the D51072 turret
- The Wright Continental R-975EC2A1 gasoline engine has been added
- The 75 mm Gun M3 for the D51066 turret has been removed
- The 105 mm M4 for the D51066 turret has been removed
- The 75 mm Gun M3 for the D51066 turret has been removed
- The Wright Continental R-975C1 gasoline engine has been removed
- Continental R-975EC2 gasoline engine has been removed
- Dispersion during movement of the T41 suspension has been decreased by 15%
- persion during movement of the T42 suspension has been decreased by 17%
- sion on hull traverse with the T41 suspension has been decreased by 15%
- Dispersion on hull traverse with the T42 suspension has been decreased by 17%
- Dispersion on gun traverse for the 76 mm Gun M1A1 in the D51072 turret has been decreased by 22%
- Reloading time of the 76 mm Gun M1A1 in the D51072 turret has been changed from 4.8 to 4.3 s
M4A3E8 Sherman
- The 76 mm Gun M1A2E8 has been added for the D51080 turret
- The 75 mm Gun M3 for the D51066 turret has been removed
- The 105 mm M4 gun for the D51072 turret has been removed
- The 75 mm Gun M3 for the D51080 turret has been removed
- The 76 mm Gun M1A2 for the D51080 turret has been removed
- The 105 mm M4 gun for the D51080 turret has been removed
- The Wright Continental R-975C1 gasoline engine has been removed
- Dispersion of the 76 mm Gun M1A1 in the D51072 turret has been changed from 0.43 to 0.39 m
- Dispersion of the 76 mm Gun M1A1 in the D51080 turret has been changed from 0.43 to 0.38 m
- Dispersion on gun traverse for the 76 mm Gun M1A1 in the D51072 turret has been decreased by 25%
- Reloading time of the 76 mm Gun M1A1 in the D51072 turret has been changed from 4.2 to 3.6 s
- Reloading time of the 76 mm Gun M1A1 in the D51080 turret has been changed from 4.2 to 3.5 s
- Aiming time of the 76 mm Gun M1A1 in the D51072 turret has been changed from 2.3 to 2.1 s
- Aiming time of the 76 mm Gun M1A1 in the D51080 turret has been changed from 2.3 to 2.0 s
- View range with the D51072 turret has been changed from 330 to 360 m
- Vehicle durability with the D51072 turret has been changed from 892 to 890 HP
- The 76 mm Gun M1A1E20 has been added for the T20D1 turret
- The 76 mm Gun M1A1E20 has been added for the T20D2 turret
- The 76 mm Gun M1A1 for the T20D1 turret has been removed
- The 76 mm Gun M1A2 for the T20D1 turret has been removed
- The 76 mm Gun M1A1 for the T20D2 turret has been removed
- The 76 mm Gun M1A2 for the T20D2 turret has been removed
- The 105 mm M4 gun for the T20D2 turret has been removed
M48A5 Patton
- The Continental AVDS-1790-2D gasoline engine has been added
- The Continental AV-1790-7B gasoline engine has been removed
- Dispersion of the 105 mm Gun M68 in the M48A5 Patton turret has been changed from 0.36 to 0.35 m
- Aiming time of the 105 mm Gun M68 in the M48A5 Patton turret has been changed from 1.9 to 1.8 s
- Top speed has been changed from 45 km/h to 48 km/h
M4A3(76)W Sherman
- Penetration of the AP M62 shell for the 76 mm Gun M1A2 has been changed from 128–110 to 143–126 mm
- Penetration of the HVAP M93 shell for the 76 mm Gun M1A2 has been changed from 177–158 to 185–164 mm
M26 Pershing
- The 90 mm Gun M3E26 has been added for the M26M67 turret
- The 90 mm Gun M3E26 has been added for the M26M71 turret
- The Ford GAN M gasoline engine has been added
- The 76 mm Gun M1A1 for the M26M67 turret has been removed
- The 76 mm Gun M1A2 for the M26M67 turret has been removed
- The 90 mm Gun M3 for the M26M67 turret has been removed
- The 76 mm Gun M1A1 for the M26M71 turret has been removed
- The 76 mm Gun M1A2 for the M26M71 turret has been removed
- The 90 mm Gun M3 for the M26M71 turret has been removed
- m M4 gun for the M26M71 turret has been removed
- The Ford GAN gasoline engine has been removed
- Dispersion during movement of the M26T80E1 suspension has been decreased by 15%
- Dispersion on hull traverse with the M26T80E1 suspension has been decreased by 15%
- Dispersion of the 90 mm Gun T15E2M2 in the M26M67 turret has been changed from 0.37 to 0.35 m
- Reloading time of the 90 mm Gun T15E2M2 in the M26M67 turret has been changed from 8.2 to 8 s
- Reloading time of the 90 mm Gun T15E2M2 in the M26M71 turret has been changed from 6.8 to 7.6 s
- Aiming time of the 90 mm Gun T15E2M2 in the M26M67 turret has been changed from 2.3 to 2.1 s
M46 Patton
- The 90 mm Gun M3 for the M46M73 turret has been removed
- The 90 mm Gun T15E2M2 for the M46M73 turret has been removed
- The 90 mm Gun M3 for the M46T119 turret has been removed
- The 90 mm Gun T15E2M2 for the M46T119 turret has been removed
- The 105 mm M4 gun for the M46T119 turret has been removed
- The Ford GAN gasoline engine has been removed
- Dispersion of the 90 mm Gun M36 in the M46M73 turret has been changed from 0.38 to 0.34 m
- Dispersion of the 105 mm Gun T5E1M2 in the M46M73 turret has been changed from 0.4 to 0.37 m
- Dispersion of the 90 mm Gun M36 in the M46T119 turret has been changed from 0.38 to 0.33 m
- Dispersion of the 105 mm Gun T5E1M2 in the M46T119 turret has been changed from 0.39 to 0.36 m
- g time of the 90 mm Gun M36 in the M46M73 turret has been changed from 7.6 to 7 s
- Reloading time of the 105 mm Gun T5E1M2 in the M46M73 turret has been changed from 10 to 9.6 s
- Reloading time of the 90 mm Gun M36 in the M46T119 turret has been changed from 7.6 to 6.7 s
- Aiming time of the 105 mm Gun T5E1M2 in the M46T119 turret has been changed from 2 to 1.9 s
- Aiming time of the 90 mm Gun M36 in the M46T119 turret has been changed from 2 to 1.9 s
The qualifications of certain crew members in the following vehicles have been changed:
- IS-3A
- T-100 LT
- LT-432
- Object 780
- Object 590
Changes to the technical characteristics of the following vehicles have been made:
- Velocity of the UBR-354MP shell for the 76 mm F-34 gun has been increased by 25%
- Velocity of the UBR-354A shell for the 76 mm F-34 gun has been increased by 22%
- Penetration of the UBR-354MP shell for the 76 mm F-34 gun has been changed from 102–92 to 147–138 mm
- on of the UBR-354A shell for the 76 mm F-34 gun has been changed from 86–75 to 108–99 mm
Object 430 Version II
- Dispersion of the 100 mm D-54U gun in the Object 430 Version II turret has been changed from 0.38 to 0.36 m
- Dispersion of the 100 mm D-54U gun during traverse of the Object 430 Version II turret has been decreased by 25%
- Reloading time of the 100 mm D-54U gun in the Object 430 Version II turret has been changed from 8 to 7.1 s
- Reloading time of the 100 mm M-63 gun in the Object 430 Version II turret has been changed from 7.6 to 7.2 s
- Reloading time of the 100 mm D-54U gun in the Object 430 Version II enhanced turret has been changed from 7.5 to 6.9 s
- Reloading time of the 100 mm M-63 gun in the Object 430 Version II enhanced turret has been changed from 7.6 to 7.1 s
- Aiming time of the 100 mm D-54U gun in the Object 430 Version II turret has been changed from 2.9 to 2.1 s
- Aiming time of the 100 mm M-63 gun in the Object 430 Version II turret has been changed from 2.3 to 2.1 s
- Aiming time of the 100 mm M-63 gun in the Object 430 Version II enhanced turret has been changed from 2.3 to 2 s
- Penetration of the UBR-412D shell for the 100 mm M-63 gun has been changed from 201–181 to 216–196 mm
- Traverse limits of the 100 mm D-54U gun in the Object 430 Version II turret have been changed from -90 90 to -180 180 deg
- Traverse limits of the 100 mm M-63 gun in the Object 430 Version II turret have been changed from -90 90 to -180 180 deg
- Traverse limits of the 100 mm D-54U gun in the Object 430 Version II enhanced turret have been changed from -90 90 to -180 180 deg
- Traverse limits of the 100 mm M-63 gun in the Object 430 Version II enhanced turret have been changed from -90 90 to -180 180 deg
- Dispersion during movement of the IS-5 (Object 730) suspension has been decreased by 15%
- Dispersion on hull traverse with the IS-5 (Object 730) suspension has been decreased by 15%
- Dispersion of the 122 mm D-25TA gun in the IS-5 (Object 730) turret has been changed from 0.46 to 0.42 m
- Dispersion of the 122 mm D-25TA gun during traverse of the IS-5 (Object 730) turret has been decreased by 20%
- Aiming time of the 122 mm D-25TA gun in the IS-5 (Object 730) turret has been changed from 3.2 to 2.7 s
- Reloading time of the 100 mm D-46T gun in the K-91 turret has been changed from 6.3 to 5.7 s
- Traverse limits of the 100 mm D-46T gun in the K-91 turret have been changed from -110 110 to -180 180 deg
- The 76 mm S-54A gun has been added for the A-43 turret
- The 76 mm S-54A gun has been added for the A-44 turret
- The V-2-34-43 diesel engine has been added
- The 76 mm S-54 gun for the A-43 turret has been removed
- The 76 mm S-54 gun for the A-44 turret has been removed
- The V-2-34 diesel engine has been removed
- Dispersion of the 76 mm F-34 gun in the A-43 turret has been changed from 0.46 to 0.4 m
- Dispersion of the 76 mm F-34 gun in the A-44 turret has been changed from 0.46 to 0.38 m
- Reloading time of the 76 mm F-34 gun in the A-43 turret has been changed from 3.6 to 3.3 s
- Aiming time of the 76 mm F-34 gun in the A-43 turret has been changed from 2.3 to 2 s
- Velocity of the UBR-354A shell for the 76 mm F-34 gun has been increased by 22%
- Velocity of the UBR-354MP shell for the 76 mm F-34 gun has been increased by 25%
- Penetration of the UBR-354A shell for the 76 mm F-34 gun has been changed from 86–75 to 108–99 mm
- Penetration of the UBR-354MP shell for the 76 mm F-34 gun has been changed from 102–92 to 147–138 mm
- The 57 mm ZiS-4-44 gun has been added for the A-44 turret
- The 57 mm ZiS-4-44 gun has been added for the A-44 shielded turret
- The V-2-34-43 diesel engine has been added
- The 57 mm ZiS-4 gun for the A-44 turret has been removed
- The 76 mm F-34 gun for the A-44 turret has been removed
- The 76 mm S-54 gun for the A-44 turret has been removed
- The 57 mm ZiS-4 gun for the A-44 shielded turret has been removed
- The 76 mm F-34 gun for the A-44 shielded turret has been removed
- The 76 mm S-54 gun for the A-44 shielded turret has been removed
- The V-2-34 diesel engine has been removed
- Dispersion of the 107 mm ZiS-6 gun in the A-44 turret has been changed from 0.43 to 0.41 m
- Dispersion of the 107 mm ZiS-6 gun in the A-44 shielded turret has been changed from 0.43 to 0.4 m
- Aiming time of the 107 mm ZiS-6 gun in the A-44 turret has been changed from 2.9 to 2.5 s
- Aiming time of the 107 mm ZiS-6 gun in the A-44 shielded turret has been changed from 2.9 to 2.4 s
- Traverse speed of the A-44 shielded turret has been changed from 38 to 40 deg/s
- Elevation angles of the 107 mm ZiS-6 gun in the A-44 turret have been changed from 15 to 20 deg
- Elevation angles of the 107 mm ZiS-6 gun in the A-44 shielded turret have been changed from 15 to 20 deg
- Depression angles of the 107 mm ZiS-6 gun in the A-44 turret have been changed from –3 to –4 deg
- Depression angles of the 107 mm ZiS-6 gun in the A-44 shielded turret have been changed from –3 to –4 deg
Object 416
- Dispersion of the 100 mm D10T gun in the Object 416 mod. 1952 turret has been changed from 0.39 to 0.36 m
- Dispersion of the 100 mm D10T gun in the Object 416 mod. 1953 turret has been changed from 0.39 to 0.35 m
- Reloading time of the 100 mm D10T gun in the Object 416 mod. 1952 turret has been changed from 8.7 to 6.8 s
- Reloading time of the 100 mm D10T gun in the Object 416 mod. 1953 turret has been changed from 8 to 6.5 s
- Aiming time of the 100 mm D10T gun in the Object 416 mod. 1952 turret has been changed from 2.3 to 2.1 s
- Aiming time of the 100 mm D10T gun in the Object 416 mod. 1953 turret has been changed from 2.3 to 2 s
- Penetration of the UBR-412D shell for the 100 mm M-63 gun has been changed from 201–181 to 216–196 mm
- Depression angles of the 100 mm D10T gun in the Object 416 mod. 1952 turret have been changed from –3 to –4 deg
- Depression angles of the 100 mm M-63 gun in the Object 416 mod. 1952 turret have been changed from –3 to –4 deg
- Depression angles of the 100 mm D10T gun in the Object 416 mod. 1953 turret have been changed from –3 to –4 deg
- Depression angles of the 100 mm M-63 gun in the Object 416 mod. 1953 turret have been changed from –3 to –4 deg
To teraz Multi nie w tydzień a w 3 dni dyszkę wbije
Czyli warto posprzedawać stare moduły zanim usuną bo nie wiadomo czy będzie rekompensata czy dadzą do magazynu bo to będzie na zasadzie masz gorsze dostaniesz lepsze i oby znów jakiś BUG nie wystąpił bo USA i Francja maja radio o tej samej nazwie „SCR 508”
Ten buff do k-91 💪 nie dość że nim wymiatam na randomkach to teraz skrócili mu czas o 0.6s i wieża 360 i nie tylko naleśnik będzie mógł się sklejać na blisko z bokami czołgów osz kurde tylko co A44 też wieża się będzie obracać 360 bo jak tak to będzie królem VII
Ps to chyba najbardziej pozytywnie odebrana zapowiedź aktualizacji przez wg od czasów przyjęcia gry na nowy silnik
Aż 20 pestek na bacie niebywale i do tego buff Pattona mojego ukochanego i alt amx30 którego markowanie odstawiłem przez działo, będzie grane po wakacjach😁
No ciekawe czy AMX 30 ALt Proto odżyje, czołg jest fajny, ale to działo, tak często wkurza, że właściwie nim nie gram. Zobaczymy po buffie jak sie tym bedzie grało 🙂
Ta a potem oszust wjeżdża na INVILpacku i gra traci sens.
Czy to oznacza, że WZ 111 Alpine Tiger też dostanie buffa?
Zgadza się
Teoretycznie powinien, jednak gra może go widzieć jako osobny pojazd w grze więc cóż… pozostaje czekać co dalej.
Nie wydaje mi się. WZ-111 Alpine Tiger to kopia zwykłego WZ-111, a zwykły ma mm+1. Oba czołgi mają te same parametry – możliwe że mm+1 też, ale nie mogę znaleźć takiej informacji odnośnie Alpine Tiger. Zwykła WZ ma mm+1 na 100%.
WG raczej nie bufuje czołgów z preferencyjnym. Nie chcą aby tym ktokolwiek grał.
WZ-111 model 6 z kolei to zupełnie inny czołg z innymi parametrami i modelem pancerza, więc buff jest najpewniej tylko dla niego.
Tak alpine ma mm na +1
to jest inny czołg który dopiero wejdzie
Jeżeli nauczysz się czytasz to dowiesz się że buffa dostaje wz 111 model 6 w nie jakiś szrot wz 111
To 2 różne czołgi
Alpine troche poprawili , model 6 może i ma lepszą pene ale gorszy kaliber 105 vs 122 i DPM na strzał 360 vs 390 , jeśli mowa o przeładowanie to są mylne parametry bo na stronie WG jest przeładowanie 10,3 a w porównywarce w grze 9,8 , tak samo jest różnica w obrocie działa i kadłuba w grze jest lepsza względem linku z czołgu i troche gorsza mobilność 40km/h vs 50km/h , jeszcze nie wiem jak oporami. Nie pamiętam zmian jakie dostał Alpine Tiger ale ostatnio go widać w bitwach , chyba że był w jakiś promocjach , jest lato więc nie jestem na bieżąco .
Na klanowki i być może będzie brany na kampanię fajny czołgus z niego będzie z ka91 też kozaka zrobili być może któryś z nich w top mecie? pożyjemy zobaczymy pozdro👍
K91 będą wybierać lepsze klany natomiast bata słabsze.
po tylu latach bat wróci na klanówki
Co tam robi też WZ jak on nawet w sklepie nie był
Mogliby go zbuffowac po cichu a „oficjalnego” buffa dostać inny pojazd
nie ma cichych zmian w tej grze
haa haa
No też mnie rozbawił 😛
Wsadźcie sobie te „uproszczenia”. Jest milion bardziej wartościowych rzeczy do zrobienia niż bawienie się drzewkami modułów.
Kurde, akurat ogrywam AltProto i to już jest całkiem przyjemna maszynka. Fajnie, że dostanie buffa 🙂
Racja, naprawdę dobrze mi się nim gra, teraz to będzie sztos. Tak samo CDA.
nie no na usunięcie hałbicy z pattona czekałem 10 lat i w końcu nareszcie!!!!!!!!! dziekuje wg wg kupie wam za to flaszke wodki
To normalne, nie chcieli buffować czołgu więc zdjęli jedno działo do badania, statystycznie wyniki wzrosną a wg nie musiało nic robić właściwie z czołgiem.
Niby nieznaczący „czeski błąd” ale jednak poprawcie „AMX 13 57” na „AMX 13 75”. Pozdrawiam.