Drugi test publiczny aktualizacji 1.22.1 jest już dostępny.
Ten test udostępniany jest dla celów technicznych i nie wprowadza nowej zawartości. Mimo to stanowi idealną okazję, by przetestować wszystkie te pojazdy, których nie posiadacie jeszcze na swoich kontach i eksperymentować z rożnymi aranżacjami wyposażenia.
Jak dołączyć do testu publicznegoPierwszy raz na testach
Aby wziąć udział, potrzebujecie Game Center (WGC), klienta najnowszego testu publicznego oraz aktywnego konta World of Tanks utworzonego przed zamknięciem zapisów (patrz poniżej).
Warunki uczestnictwa
W teście mogą uczestniczyć wszystkie aktywne konta World of Tanks utworzone przed 10 września, 23:59 CEST.
Pobierzcie i zainstalujcie klienta gry
- Uruchomcie instalator klienta.
- Wybierzcie inny folder dla instalacji niż ten, w którym znajdują się pliki związane ze standardową grą World of Tanks.
- Wybierzcie nowo zainstalowanego klienta testu z rozwijanego menu w górnej części WGC.
- Wjeżdżajcie do bitwy i pamiętajcie, by podzielić się wrażeniami!
Więcej szczegółów o WGC znajdziecie w poświęconym Game Center przewodniku.
Zapoznajcie się z tym przydatnym przewodnikiem, w którym znajdziecie wszystkie szczegóły dotyczące testów publicznych, Piaskownicy i supertestów.
Opis patcha w j. angielskim
Main Changes
- The functionality of the Annual Statistics screen has been expanded.
- The Season Statistics screen has been added.
- Onslaught mode support has been added to Tournaments.
Steel Hunter
The mechanics of the Steel Hunter: Reborn event have been added to the classic version of the mode.
- Respawns
- Marauders (AI-driven opponents)
- Balance changes for vehicles, Combat Abilities, and functionalities.
New mechanics have been added and the existing mechanics have been changed:
- A timer for the Dangerous Zone (yellow) has been added and is displayed when the player is inside.
- The progression can now be fulfilled not only by completing daily missions but also based on positions in battle results.
- The loot dropped by defeated Marauders is now more valuable.
- The chance of receiving Combat Abilities from Supplies has been changed: the longer the battle lasts, the higher the chance.
- Now, by collecting Spoils of War (red loot), players will get more XP. If the player’s Combat Abilities are on cooldown at that time, this cooldown will be significantly reduced.
- Now players will get less XP for upgrading their vehicle when dealing damage.
- The upgrade tier is now displayed above the vehicles. This feature can be enabled/disabled in the game settings.
- If a player leaves the battle before their vehicle is destroyed, they will not receive any economic rewards.
Vehicle Rebalance:
- The Huragan and the Bái Láng are now faster, with thicker armor and more powerful guns and Combat Abilities.
- The Harbinger has more HP and improved guns.
- Heavy tanks (the Walküre, the Varyag, and the Beowulf) have received an armor nerf: the chance of penetrating them is now higher.
- The Raven has less armor and less dangerous guns.
Fixed Issues and Improvements
- The description of the Experienced Firefighters crew directive has been fixed.
- Fixed the issue of the BZ-176’s speed being displayed incorrectly in spectator mode.
- Fixed the issue of some crew perks not working when directives were used and modifications were made.
- Fixed the issue of completed conditions not being displayed in mission cards.
- Fixed the issue of the confirmation window not being displayed when purchasing Crew Books.
- Fixed the issue of the notification about Collections being regularly displayed in the Notification Center.
- Fixed some technical issues.
- Fixed some UI issues.