Wersja 1.14: Sezon 6. Przepustki bitewnej
Tak prezentuje się wstępna zawartość szóstego sezonu Przepustki bitewnej.
Sezon 6. Przepustki bitewnej:
Pamiątkowy medal „To Hell and Back”
Christophe Lemartin
— With his brother Jean-Marc, he started his tour of duty in the Resistance. He was seriously injured and lucky to be alive, but he never lost his phenomenal combat skills, even after a long recovery period. He was glad to get back on track and throw himself into another dangerous adventure. The one thing he regretted was that he and his brother were assigned to different detachments.
Louise Hamilton
— An MI6 staff officer. She was constantly getting into discussions with her superiors, trying to prove that wars could not be won in dusty offices. As a result, she was assigned to an Antarctic expedition with the most severe of field conditions. And that was all she needed: There’s no better way to sort out and solve a problem than to face it.
Andrey Pokrovskiy
— A tank officer and battalion commander. He had excellent combat skills and an intuition that always helped him get out of seemingly hopeless situations. He tried to learn enemy methods and habits to hit them in their weak spots. His military cunning and prudence helped him lead his soldiers to victory, even when outnumbered.
Progresywne style 3D:
Cztery etapy progresji:
Styl 3D “Primipilus” dla czołgu 🇬🇧 Centurion Action X
— Do you know what it’s like in the navy? Say you are on duty in the engine room and are tasked with maintaining the pressure in the boilers, making sure the manometer arrows point in the right direction. And you are keeping an eye on these manometers while there is a battle outside. The ship shakes from enemy shell hits, it shakes when your own guns fire—but you don’t see any of it, you can only feel it and know that there are people out there doing their jobs just like you are down here. And then everything quiets down and you don’t hear any more gunfire, any explosions. You think it’s all over and you’ve finally won.
But then a cup rolls down a table that’s tilted for some reason. And you don’t yet understand that the guns are silent because the ammunition storage is already flooded. That the upper deck is already under water. But you keep watching the arrows because you haven’t gotten another order. And you won’t—the comms are dead, the bridge is down. In a minute, the lights will go down, the ship will break in half, and ice-cold water will rush into your room and take you along with all your boilers and manometers. And then will come the realization that the ship is down. And that you went down with it half an hour ago. But you can’t report this to anyone. The news about it came with the water.
You see? And you’re complaining to me that it’s all over, that we’re stuck here forever with this damaged track? What do you even know, lad. Take the crowbar. Do your damn job. To the end. Until the water comes.
Styl 3D “Gascon” dla czołgu 🇫🇷 AMX M4 mle. 54
— And I could have easily served until retirement, then I would have gotten a house somewhere near Toulon. A garden with cobbled paths and geranium beds or whatever they are called… Chess club on weekends. Feeding pigeons. But no—they gave me a tank and sent me to the middle of nowhere with this endless ice everywhere. Hold off on your questions, they said. Find the platoon leader when you get there, he will show you around and explain everything. When I got there, it turned out I was the platoon leader. I don’t like this expedition. My gut tells me that instead of feeding pigeons, I’ll be feeding crows. Are there even crows here? Is there anything living here at all?
Styl 3D “Svyatogor” dla czołgu Object 268
— 'Improve firepower using a combination of standard and bounty armaments.’ Are they serious? Did they even see this vehicle? What’s there to improve? Maybe the view range from this self-propelled bunker leaves something to be desired, but that’s an issue for someone in the way. Any battle comes down to aim-fire-repeat, anyway. But no, they want more improvements. They say they captured some German engineer, or he defected—I’m not sure. What’s his name? Barker, Bulker… Right, Becker! They say he has a lot of experience protecting vehicles from air attacks, and we have a German anti-aircraft gun, anyway, so let’s mount it. I’m not sure about that. We don’t have room for spoils of war, and they want to put half a ton of steel on our backs. Doesn’t this German have any ideas how to improve view range? Maybe add a mast with a top? I mean, we can sink a German cruiser to get one, but it’s going to be hard to find one here on the ice. Maybe there will be none left at all pretty soon. With our help, for sure.
Inne grafiki:
Kliknij na zdjęcia, by je powiększyć.
Louise Hamilton, hmm idealna na ebr 105
no musiał przejechać długą drogę, z bolidu F1 do Twojego Ebr’a, a co musiał przeżyć po drodze w WG że okazał się na końcu KOBIETĄ i to BIAŁĄ
skiny 3d na czołgi którymi się normalnie nie gra… no chyba ze to jedyne dychy co się ma z niewiadomych powodów xD
To ze nie grasz nie znaczy ze kazdy nie gra lol
Miałem nadzieję że dodadzą jakiś nowy czołg 9t np tego strv k…
Bierz K91-PT, jest OP.
Szkoda, że nigdy nie użyję tych stylów, bo tymi szrot-tankami grać to masochizm. No może 268 od biedy kiedyś popykam, ale centek i amx m4 54? Z czym do ludzi, następnym razem dajcie Type 5 Heavy do przepustki, to ludzie będą tym grali tylko dlatego, że styl dostali. I będzie więcej HP do zdojenia z takich pomidorków. Pozdrawiam-gracz 3050 wn8
Kolega to widzę ma wysokie ego 😂 Wszystkie rozumki pozjadane. 😂
o jedno zero za dużo chyba w tym wn8
Nie za dużo. Nick: Ale_Twardziel
Można sobie podejrzeć
Znowu on XD Zrobil alta i siusiak mu rosnie jak patrzy na wotlife :DD
Oczywiście, że tak. Za to takich pomidorów jak ty bardzo miło mi się robi jak dzieci.
Konto po resecie się nie liczy.
A jakieś wcześniejsze konto, bo na tym zaledwie 4,5k bitew? A nie przepraszam konto RESETA nie mam więcej pytań.
reset po prostu.
Wszystko ładnie się tylko dlaczego gostek o tym nicku pisze mi że nigdy nie pisał komentarzy na rykoszecie?
Przecież centek to strasznie przyjemny czołg
A ja będę miał powód, żeby zacząć linie medów brytyjskich, bo styl mi się podoba. Nie trzeba grać tylko tym co jest w meta obecnie. Gram tym co uważam za interesujące z różnych powodów. Pozdrawia gracz tylko 2100 wn8
To przyłączam się do pozdrowień, gracz 500 wn8 😁😁😁