Garść zdjęć zestawu stylizacyjnego „General Frost”. Unikalny styl całoroczny zaprojektowany dla uczczenia Dnia Obrońcy Ojczyzny 2021.
Styl traktowany jako niehistoryczny element wyglądu zewnętrznego, wyceniony na 1.750 szt. złota. Dostępny dla pojazdów każdej narodowości i poziomu.

— Russian winters have played a key role in many military campaigns over the years. During the Great Northern War from 1700–1721, extreme cold destroyed almost a half of the Swedish army of King Charles XII. In 1812, sub-zero temperatures cooled off Napoleon’s army, and the winter of 1941–1942 brought the German Blitzkrieg strategy to a halt. The generals of Western European armies often state the piercing cold as the main reason of their defeats. Soldiers were falling ill and equipment stopped working. Because of this, a fictional General Frost was created to personify the Russian winter that snatched the victories from the hands of enemy.
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