Porcja screenów stylu 3D dla brytyjskiego FV217 Badger. Styl traktowany jako historyczny element wyglądu zewnętrznego, wyceniony na 5000 szt. złota.
Pasuje do pojazdów: FV217 Badger

— My dear son, I’m writing to inform you that your father has finally calmed down and resigned himself to your decision. It goes without saying though that he spent the entire month flying around the estate in a huff, constantly cursing himself for being so negligent. In his mind, he can’t believe the son of a Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons would prefer the Royal Armoured Corps over a political career. What hurts him the most was your deception about being enrolled at university and studying law when, in fact, you had joined the army with your mates. However, he did cool down a bit after he used his connections to find your commander. You can just imagine his expression when he heard you were considered one of the best tankers of all time. You might even say he was pleased with the news. Now he’s rattling on about how even if he is the last politician in the family, you’re going to start a military dynasty. We can’t wait for you to come back home!
By the way, could you give your vehicle a different name? Isn’t there a different character from Arthurian legend who’s less controversial?
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Mi się bardzo podoba. Fajnie to zrobili. 😀
Tam w WG jest jakis zakompleksiony koles ktory sobie cos rekompensuje wielkimi CKMami na kazdym czolgu.
Też mi się podoba. Może nawet kupię Badgera dla tego stylu? Pzdr
Wspaniały styl dla wspaniałego czołgu. Powodzenia, trzymajcie się, cześć!
Trzymaj się 🙂
rzeczywiście ładny ten styl, w sam raz do sklepu premium za ~90zł dla naiwniaków
To ze ty jestes biedny, nie znaczy ze reszta jest naiwina 😉
Akurat ten styl jest ładny, nie przesadzili z nim.